My work as a PM
At Homejam(now versai), I worked as a Product Manager supervising the ideation, planning and development of the Video platform for the creative Industry.
The idea initially started with hosting 1 hour-long meet and greet sessions of artists with their fans. Later we learned that Zoom is not built for creative professionals. Poor audio and video quality on zoom due to its compression did not deliver optimum quality to host a session.
After interviewing various artists in different domains and understanding their pain points, we got to learn that there is a need to build a video platform. To narrow our focus, we started decided to make the platform specifically for dance instructors.
Summary of my work
Built and led a team of Web developers(Frontend - React Js, Backend - Node Js) and UI/UX designers.
Designed the initial UX of the Video Platform, laying down its foundation
Conducted User Research interviewing 20+ professional dance teachers to understand their pain points during a dance class, found areas of improvement and translated them into features for the Video Platform
Conceptualised and launched the Beta Testing Program, onboarding 100+ professional dance instructors on the platform
Reduced the usage of Video API minutes by 66%, optimising daily usage as a result, increasing daily testers by 3x and saving 45,000$ for the company
Increased the ticket sales by 300% by optimising the Facebook campaign for budget, campaign objective and target audience, making it the first virtual concert with a net post-sales profit
Optimised the CRM for onboarding artists bringing down the number of steps required from 14 to 4